Introduction to mathematical representations with Java and integration of the plotter library in Eclipse
Introduction to mathematical representations with Java and
integration of the plotter library in Eclipse
We started a long time ago with the introduction to the Java
programming language, where we worked together from console applications to the
user interfaces.
After that we learned the basics of the Python programming
language and noticed that the Python programming language and the libraries
like Anaconda or Pandas offered us an enormous number of mathematical
possibilities for the visualization of functions.
An interested reader once sent us a message asking if this
was also possible with the Java programming language.
We have agreed and promised him that we will publish a
number of posts and programming examples in the next few weeks so that we can
only offer it for those who can only program with Java, so that we can use it
in our studies or in practice.
Although we haven't shared all the skills about the Java
programming language with you, Java has an extensive library of graphics
programming classes. Our goal is to be able to offer a simple interface for
graphic programming.
The heart of this project is the plotter class. This object
serves as a shell around the internal drawing methods and gives us the
opportunity to use these methods in a targeted manner.
In the simplest case, you send some to the plotter, which
can be the domain, for example. The plotter saves the values internally and
automatically creates a graphical representation with an adjusted value range.
In addition, the object also offers options such as the insertion of texts,
fonts, drawing styles, colors and the integration of images.
Enough theory. Next we devote ourselves to practice where we
will learn better programming with the plotter.
The next step is to integrate the plotter library in
Eclipse. If you don't have an Eclipse, the same goes for all other integrated
development environments.
>> Click here to download the plotter library
... <<
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